Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sky-Terra skyscrapers create green urban space in the sky

sky terra 1

Conceptualized by San Francisco-based designer Joanna Borek-Clement, the Sky-Terra skyscrapers is a neuron-like network of interconnected towers, designed to address the ever growing need for green urban space. This structure floats over the congested city and includes public parks, amphitheaters, fields, and public pools and bathhouses. The ‘Sky-Terra skyscrapers’ was among many of the implausible entries in the 2009 eVolo Skyscraper competition. This superstructure has been designed with Tokyo in mind as the city is already congested. The towers can be as high as 1,600 ft and then, they expand out to reach the flat top plaza layer. Sky-Terra forms a new layer for the city high above city jams and pollution. It aims to offer green space for citizens to spend time outdoors and relax. The towers’ structures will be made from modular parts. Another sustainable element is the transportation system of interconnected foot paths and 4-foot wide streets meant for bikes or small electric cars. If it’s not a pathway, then it’s an open green space.

The inner core of each structure features an elevator system that transports people from the street level to the top. The Sky-Terra towers are indeed a nice concept for urban areas, but don’t you think it will make life really boring for those on the ground level?

sky terra 4

sky terra 3

sky terra 5

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